Experiencing our nation through its environments, animals, people and history.

Galatians 5:1

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fall in Missippi

Hi Mom....

It's a beautiful fall weekend out here- low 70's, the birds are singing, and we're looking at a week off for Thanksgiving break. So I decided first thing, I must do what I have had little time to do since we've been here... take you (via my camera) out on a walk around our campground. If there are ever moments where I feel cramped in Winnie, I just take myself out for a little walk and look out instead of in. And here are little bits of what I see!!

If I'm really energized I take a jog out along/across the reservoir, but the camera doesn't accompany me on those trips. The Saucony's do, however, so you are still with me!! I hope you enjoyed your little tour of our backyard. We are headed up to Nashville for Thanksgiving. We're bringing apple pie and Mush.
Love, Cher
P.S. Since I know you are a good spell-checker and noticed my last two titles, I better explain. This one, I am acclimating... down here they don't pronounce the state with four syllables, only three. As for Jo's, that's how he pronounced the gig: his "pre-formance".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!!