Experiencing our nation through its environments, animals, people and history.

Galatians 5:1

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I have wished for a bomb, but not the....

Bomb Squad??!!

Hello friends!! The Kalers are still serious about this sabbatical thing, though I realize now in the packing process why so many people "have always wanted to do that..." and never did. It is a hellofa lot of work.

We have found rentors, moved in a Pod in our driveway, and are fixing up all the tweaky things about our house. Cheryl goes from thrilled to panicked.... thrilled as I find old Starbucks cards (sorry Tina, I'm using 'em this time....) and uncover all the wonderful scrapbook paper I forgot I had... as well as a very cool, compact scrapbook organizer thing that will go in Winnie. I have determined, YES, I WILL SCRAPBOOK!! We'll just print up those pictures at random Costco's across the nation and be good to go. We hope. Anyway....

The panic moments are coming with more intensity, lasting longer, and closer in between. I have equated this whole thing to labor... I have sweared I would kill greg (he almost ran over our Quilcene tree today, parking the van on the lawn....) and it does feel awfully painful at times. I keep sight on the baby in the end but amidst the sweat and tears, I do forget. I only hope I can sigh with a newborn's equivalence of joy, freedom and love when this baby births on the open road! But for now? Call the doctor!! I'm even considering drugs!!

So back to the house. One of the tweaky things we decided to fix is our garage. It was one of those "we should have done this a long time ago" projects, and took the help of our good friend RJ to get it done. We (I say we, like I did any of it? wait... I helped...) WE put up drywall around all the walls. Prior to this, we had insulation hangin out all over the place and only one corner covered with peg board. It was tacky, for sure. We were going to leave the pegboard and decided while we're at it, might as well dywall the whole thing. Dad would be proud, no Mickey Mouse garage for us!! So Greg and RJ went to taking down the pegboard...

and discovered this strange little can hiding behind one of the studs. It looked.... explosive??!! Army looking thing with a pin.... could it be a bomb? so Greg decided to play it safe and call 911. The police arrive and don't want to touch it. They call their supervisor. He arrives, and decides to send a picture to his supervisor. They forward it to... the bomb squad. They arrive, verify that it is a "1960 tear gas" can, had not yet been used. Can you imagine? What the heck did someone hide that thing in the garage for? And aren't we glad we found it? Maybe they were gonna come back and raid the house. Maybe they were saving it for when the dinosaurs returned. My mind goes all kinds of places but.... lets just say I'm glad its gone.....

and our garage sure looks nice now!!

It makes me be a little more careful with my words, because I swear last week (in one of my labor pains) I was wishing for a bomb.... that all the starbucks cards and scrapbook paper I find are not worth sifting through all the rest of this junk.... ay we did think, let's just blow it up...

or, not!!!! I'm sure our neighbors will be real happy when we finally clear outa here. What's next??

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