Experiencing our nation through its environments, animals, people and history.

Galatians 5:1

Friday, January 15, 2010


We left Florida with fondness in our hearts and a little chill in our bones.... heading north into the next phase of this adventure, called Mommy Doing Her Internship. Its actually the main thing that inspired this creative venture for the year, so in a way, its like we've just taken a really long scenic route to get to Kentucky. None of us really know what we are getting into. However, this year has taught us that no matter what it is, it will likely be amazing and we will surely learn a lot. So away we go.

We stopped the first night in Southern Georgia, where it was even colder, but Jo still got out and played mini-golf. He's doing research, you see, for a future Kaler RV camp where people can play putt-putt for a dollar a game. He wants to design the course. MAYBE they can play for free.

In Georgia they said we must leave the water running ONE PINKY thick so the pipes don't freeze.... none of this drip drip stuff we got away with in Florida. Welcome, rookie RV lesson number $%##*??. Its called pinky-thick water will fill up your holding tank in.... hmmm, judging by the water dripping down our steps and forming icicles on Steppie on the way down, must have been about 5 hours. But at least our pipes didn't freeze, and we got a bonus mopping out of the deal!!

The next morning we were blessed with a free pancake breakfast... at 7:am no less. Good to get us up and going. At breakfast we were asked several times Don't you know you're going the wrong direction? and aren't we going to stay til Friday? There's pecan pancakes on Friday. There's also a civil war prison camp we could see, and will you be here Sunday? On Sunday we could go see Jimmy Carter teach Sunday school, just down the road. (Seriously.. I checked it out... )

But alas, we had just enough time to find all this out and recieve bits of encouragement from our on-the-road comrades. We really could spend a week at each little stop. But we're off... heading north on the 75 and excited to visit the birth place of Martin Luther King Jr and learn more about the civil rights movement. And maybe check out Chick-fil-a Headquaters while we're there...

Til Atlanta, friends....


Sabbatical, Phase 6- next? said...

Man I need to learn how to do the fancy little underline link on the blog! Anyway, here's a cool write up on Jimmy Carter's Sunday School http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/25970/former_president_carter_teaches_sunday.html?cat=9

Tonya @ The Traveling Praters said...

We've spent quite a bit of time in Atlanta this past year. Really enjoyed the Martin Luther King National Site but the kids were a bit nervous because of the area. Thought about Chick-fil-a, but the Varsity won our vote. Ummmm...the best onion rings...:)

To add a link highlight the words that you want connected to the link and click on the button at the top of your posting page that looks like a link in a chain with the world behind it. It willbe the third button over (bold, italic, hyperlink)Another window will pop up and you will insert the URL of the website that you want people to go to. Hope that helps!:)

Show Us The World said...

Oh, I really do feel for you that it is even colder where you are going. Maybe the dorms will be looking good vs worrying about freezing pipes? Love the peek into fellow road warriors and all of their help. It's that beautiful community thing we talked about, huh? Love it! =)

Kurt & Tanya said...

Wow you guys! This is so awesome! I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I will continue to do so. Hopefully you guys can stop by our house in Texas???? We would love to visit, it has been way to long!