Experiencing our nation through its environments, animals, people and history.

Galatians 5:1

Friday, July 25, 2008

Misc Cell Pix!

White House Pix! I promised you pictures from my cell phone camera and here they are. This is where the White House tour ended. It was so quick we thought we were going outside to see the gardens and then would go back in again. Nope. All done. Move along.
From the walkway where the tour ended.The famous photo from the ellipse.
From the grounds of the White House looking at the Wa. Monument.

Today, me and the boys went to Reagan National Airport to see the planes and play some baseball. We took the metro all the way out (its on the opposite side of town...Actually it's in Virginia).
Cool architecture.

We went to the National Museum of Natural History. Sorry, shaky hands.

More Cal Jr. pix from baseball camp. This was actually 8:45 Monday morning. He came and talked to the boys right behind us. Darn, knew I sat in the wrong seats.
Playing pickle on the Gallaudet Softball Field. If you really look close you can see the Capital in the background. One of the boys noticed this and wanted me to take a picture.
We decided to go see some of the monuments on the National Mall. This is the WWII Memorial.

On the way from the WWII Memorial to the Lincoln Memorial we found some cute duckies! Most assuredly the highlight for the kids.

Monkey see, monkey do at the Phillies game.
One of the streets just outside Fenway Park. The street gets blocked off and all manner of craziness ensues.

Me and SK went to target and could not get enough of the shopping cart mover! We don't have cool stuff like that in Seattle!


Tania said...

Great pics guys. Hey if you can't get enough of the shopping carts, the Northgate Mall Target actually has the same thing. You can look forward to that when you get home. =) Love following your adventures again, thanks for keeping us posted.

Tania said...
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Tania said...

Great pics guys. Hey if you can't get enough of the shopping carts, the Northgate Mall Target actually has the same thing. You can look forward to that when you get home. =) Love following your adventures again, thanks for keeping us posted.